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Canvas Lamps and Lighting

All our Canvas Lamps, and the brand new Focus Light, in one place for your browsing pleasure, plus more professional lighting essentials!

21 products

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White Canvas Lamp with Weighted Wooden Base

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White Canvas Lamp with Weighted Wooden Base

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Black Canvas Lamp with Weighted Wooden Base

  • On Sale

Black Canvas Lamp with Weighted Wooden Base

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Canvas Lamp with Weighted Marble Base

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Canvas Lamp with Weighted Marble Base

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White Canvas Lamp with Matte Metal Base

  • On Sale

White Canvas Lamp with Matte Metal Base

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Black Canvas Lamp with Matte Metal Base

  • On Sale

Black Canvas Lamp with Matte Metal Base

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CANVAS Focus Light

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CANVAS Focus Light

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White Canvas Lamp with Desk Clamp

  • On Sale

White Canvas Lamp with Desk Clamp

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Black Canvas Lamp with Desk Clamp

  • On Sale

Black Canvas Lamp with Desk Clamp


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